
Archive for April, 2010

Configuring Syslog on ISA and TMG with Splunk Log Management

[Updated July 26, 2011: You can also use the Splunk Universal Forwarder to deliver Microsoft ISA Server and Forefront TMG 2010 log files to a Splunk indexing server. More details here.]

In a recent article I wrote about the enhancements made to the logging infrastructure in Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010. With regard to logging, one commonly requested feature for ISA and TMG is integration with syslog. Many organizations collect log data from numerous systems and network devices in their environment and aggregate that data in a central repository. This makes auditing, reporting, and event correlation with multiple systems much easier.

Although ISA and TMG do not support syslog natively, this functionality is available by using a free third-party utility. Snare Epilog for Windows is a tool that takes data from ISA and TMG log files and exports them to a syslog server such as Splunk.

Before installing Snare Epilog for Windows you will need to change the Firewall and Web Proxy logging properties to use the text file format. Be advised that when you do this, you will no longer be able to view historical log data in the ISA or TMG management console.

Configure Logging

To configure TMG for text file logging, open the management console and highlight Logs & Reports in the console tree, then select the Logging tab.

To configure ISA for text file logging, open the management console and highlight Monitoring in the console tree, then select the Logging tab.

For both ISA and TMG, click Configure Firewall Logging or Configure Web Proxy Logging in the Tasks pane.

Select the File option and choose W3C Extended Log File Format. Do the same for Web Proxy Logging.

Configure Syslog Access Rule

To allow ISA or TMG to communicate with a remote syslog server, an access rule must be created that allows syslog traffic from the Local Host to the syslog server. This will require a new custom protocol to support syslog (UDP 514) with a direction of send.

Once completed, the access rule should look like this.

Installing and Configuring Snare Epilog for Windows

Download and install Snare Epilog for Windows on the ISA or TMG firewall. For ISA or TMG arrays, install Epilog on each array member. Installation is simple and straightforward – just accept the defaults until completed.

To configure Epilog to send log data to a remote syslog server, such as a Splunk log management server, navigate to Start/All Programs/InterSect Alliance and select Epilog for Windows. On the left side, click Log Configuration.

Click Add, and then in the drop-down box, select Microsoft ISA Firewall Logs.

In the Log File or Directory field, enter the location of the firewall logs. For TMG, the default log folder is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway\Logs. For ISA, the default log folder is C:\Program Files\Microsoft ISA Server\ISALogs. In the Log Name Format: field, enter *FWS*.w3c. Click Change Configuration when finished.

To add Web Proxy log files, repeat the steps above, selecting Microsoft ISA Web Logs as the log type and specifying *WEB*.w3c for the log name format.

Note: For demonstration purposes I have used the default location for the ISA and TMG log files. Best practices dictate that the log files be located on a separate physical disk from the system partition, however.

Click Network Configuration.

Enter the IP address and destination port for your syslog server, and then click Change Configuration.

After completing the log and network configuration, click Apply the Latest Audit Configuration to complete the process.

To confirm that Epilog for Windows is configured correctly, click Latest Events to view the current events. Epilog will display any monitored log information.

If everything is configured correctly and working properly, you should now see ISA or TMG log data in your syslog console. If you do not see log data in your syslog console, you may need to restart the Epilog service on the ISA or TMG firewall.