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Troubleshooting Basic HTTP Connectivity Using VBScript

August 25, 2009

As a follow up to my last blog post I wanted to share with you a way to perform basic HTTP connectivity testing using VBScript. Using the GetAllResponseHeaders method of the XMLHTTP object we can easily retrieve and display response headers returned by a web server. The VBScript code looks like this:

Option Explicit

Dim HTTP, Site

Site = InputBox(“Enter site name:”, “Get All Response Headers”)

Set HTTP = WScript.CreateObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”)

Call HTTP.Open(“HEAD”, “http://” & Site, False)
Call HTTP.Send()

MsgBox HTTP.GetAllResponseHeaders(), vbInformation, “Response Headers for ” & Site

Set HTTP = Nothing

Copy the code above to a text file and save it with a .vbs extension. Double-click on the file and you will be prompted to enter a web site to test.


Enter the name of the web site to test and choose ‘Ok’. The script will send a request to the web server and display the response headers returned.


Admittedly this code is very rudimentary, but it is a simple and effective way to troubleshoot HTTP connectivity issues. If you are interested in something similar that has many more features, including the ability to use specific HTTP commands, perform logging, use a proxy server, specify a USER AGENT string and much more, visit Jim Harrison’s ISATools.org and download his very powerful HTTP_TEST VBScript.