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A Few Notes Regarding Remote SQL Logging with Microsoft ISA Server 2006 and Forefront Threat Management Gateway

June 9, 2009

In response to my last blog post disucssing remote SQL logging for Microsoft ISA Server, several people asked about the data stored in the IP address fields of the ISA 2006 log database.

ISA 2006 IP Address Fields

ISA 2006 IP Address Fields

Clearly these are not IP addresses. In ISA versions up to and including ISA Server 2004, the data type for these fields were varchar(32) and contained IP addresses in the familiar dotted decimal notation.

ISA 2004 IP Address Fields

ISA 2004 IP Address Fields

Beginning with ISA Server 2006, the data type for these fields were changed to bigint. In order to convert the data from these fields to the more familiar dotted decimal notation, use the following SQL function (adapted from this KB article):

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnConvertIPToText] (
@ISALogIPAddress [bigint]
RETURNS varchar(15) AS

DECLARE @ConvertedAddress varchar(15)
SET @ConvertedAddress =

CAST(@ISALogIPAddress / 256 / 256 / 256 % 256 AS VARCHAR) + ‘.’ + CAST(@ISALogIPAddress / 256 / 256 % 256 AS VARCHAR) + ‘.’ + CAST(@ISALogIPAddress / 256 % 256 AS VARCHAR) + ‘.’ + CAST(@ISALogIPAddress % 256 AS VARCHAR)

RETURN @ConvertedAddress

[Download script here.]

(Special thanks to my good friend Christopher Schau, DBA extraordinaire, for creating this function for me!)

When selecting data from the table, use the function created above to convert the data follows:

dbo.fnConvertIPToText(SourceIP) AS [SourceIP],
dbo.fnConvertIPToText(DestinationIP) AS [DestinationIP],
dbo.fnConvertIPToText(OriginalClientIP) AS [OriginalClientIP]

Data from the IP address fields returned from this query will now appear in the familiar dotted decimal notation.

ISA 2006 IP Address Fields - Converted

ISA 2006 IP Address Fields - Converted

Looking ahead to Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG), the developers have once again changed the data type for IP address fields. In TMG, the data type for these fields were changed to uniqueidentifier. This was done in order to support IPv6 entries in these fields. In order to convert the data from these fields in to the more familiar dotted decimal notation, use the following SQL function:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnIpAddressToText]
@Ipv6Address [uniqueidentifier]
RETURNS varchar(40) AS
DECLARE @strInAddress varchar(40)
DECLARE @strOutAddress varchar(40)
SET @strInAddress = LOWER(CONVERT(varchar(40), @Ipv6Address))
SET @strOutAddress = ”

IF (SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 10, 4) = ‘ffff’)
— ipv4 (hex to int conversion)
DECLARE @IsNum int, @ZERO int, @IsAlpa int
set @ZERO = ASCII(‘0’)
set @IsNum = ASCII(‘9’)
set @IsAlpa = ASCII(‘a’) – 10
DECLARE @intH int, @intL int

SET @intH = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 1, 1))
IF (@intH <= @IsNum) SET @intH = @intH – @ZERO ELSE SET @intH = @intH – @IsAlpa
SET @intL = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 2, 1))
IF (@intL <= @IsNum) SET @intL = @intL – @ZERO ELSE SET @intL = @intL – @IsAlpa
SET @strOutAddress = CONVERT(varchar(3), @intH * 16 + @intL) + '.'

SET @intH = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 3, 1))
IF (@intH <= @IsNum) SET @intH = @intH – @ZERO ELSE SET @intH = @intH – @IsAlpa
SET @intL = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 4, 1))
IF (@intL <= @IsNum) SET @intL = @intL – @ZERO ELSE SET @intL = @intL – @IsAlpa
SET @strOutAddress = @strOutAddress + CONVERT(varchar(3), @intH * 16 + @intL) + '.'

SET @intH = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 5, 1))
IF (@intH <= @IsNum) SET @intH = @intH – @ZERO ELSE SET @intH = @intH – @IsAlpa
SET @intL = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 6, 1))
IF (@intL <= @IsNum) SET @intL = @intL – @ZERO ELSE SET @intL = @intL – @IsAlpa
SET @strOutAddress = @strOutAddress + CONVERT(varchar(3), @intH * 16 + @intL) + '.'

SET @intH = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 7, 1))
IF (@intH <= @IsNum) SET @intH = @intH – @ZERO ELSE SET @intH = @intH – @IsAlpa
SET @intL = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 8, 1))
IF (@intL <= @IsNum) SET @intL = @intL – @ZERO ELSE SET @intL = @intL – @IsAlpa
SET @strOutAddress = @strOutAddress + CONVERT(varchar(3), @intH * 16 + @intL)
— ipv6
SET @strOutAddress = @strOutAddress + SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 1, 4) + ':'
+ SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 5, 4) + ':'
+ SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 10, 4) + ':'
+ SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 15, 4) + ':'
+ SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 20, 4) + ':'
+ SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 25, 4) + ':'
+ SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 29, 4) + ':'
+ SUBSTRING(@strInAddress, 33, 4)
—- guid sample '6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-FFF34FC964FF'
RETURN @strOutAddress

[Download script here.]

(Special thanks to Avi Sander with Microsoft Israel for sharing this SQL code with me. Shortly after I received this code it was also posted on the TMG Product Team Blog as well.)

I apologize in advance if any of the SQL code listed in this post is not readable. When posting code like this, formatting with WordPress can cause problems. If you have any issue with code on this page, send me an e-mail and I’ll be glad to send you the actual script files.