
Posts Tagged ‘AD FS’

Forefront UAG 2010 Service Pack 2 Now Available

August 6, 2012 8 comments

Forefront UAG 2010 Service Pack 2 is now available for download. In addition to the usual bug fixes and system updates, UAG SP2 includes new features such as AD FS 2.0 multi-namespace support and support for additional mobile client devices such as Android 4.x, iOS 5.x, and Windows Phone 7.5. Before installing Forefront UAG 2010 SP2 you must first install SP2 for Forefront TMG 2010. When installing Forefront TMG SP2 on a UAG array, be sure to install TMG SP2 on the UAG array manager first, and then install TMG SP2 on the remaining UAG array members. Here are some links to important Forefront UAG 2010 SP2 information:

Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2010